Monday, December 1, 2008

Keativ Awards

Thank you Laura for giving me the Keativ award!!! I don't have many blogger friends as of yet, but the ones I do have are very creative!!

The rules:I must tell you six random things about myself and then tag/award four other bloggers whom I think qualify as “kreativ”.

1. I was married on the beach with a Cat in the Hat themed wedding!!
2. My Aunt put fuschia streaks in my hair last week and I love it!
3. My crazy daughter keeps me on my toes 24/7!
4. I have recently started reconnecting with old friends and love it!
5. I am enjoying doing Zumba in my living room.
6. I just started Weight Watchers and am down 10 pounds. (Well, I was before Thanksgiving.... ; )

I nominate: Lizzie, Laura and Jennifer..... yaya ya - I know two of those were already given the award and there are only 3 listed..... but I don't have many blogger friends yet.....

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